Finding your own style... #nobasiczone

martes, 11 de agosto de 2015

I know im not like super old (not even 20) but in my short life i´ve notice the difference betwen a basic and someone with real style. And to be honest i feel like everyone go through that time in  life (especially when you are young) that your finding yourself and your style, so you kind go and try everything all in once. But at the end of the road style is something you are born with, is your mark, is only you talking through your outfit and clothes, and not so many are capable of knowing and finding that. So this are some things you should now while going through the process...

1. What you like?
By saying this, i am talking about knowing your preferences, and not only fashion wise, i am talking about all your self in general, colors, food, countrys, fabrics, stores, books,music, etc... i recomend always to write down those things on a paper or a book. This process is in general to get to know yourself better, so you can built a personality and those things at the end will lead you to find your style.

2. Experiment.
 This is the best part of finding your style, because you get to try and push yourself as far as you want to, and the process is almost natural, you start learning about shapes and the colors that you like, and also what you dont enjoy that much, which fabrics you love, which store.... also you will find yourself sometimes feeling lost and not so much like yourself, but do not worry!! thats a sigh that you are trying, and again everything is a learning process almost like an evolution.

3. Inspiration/ Icon
This is a plus, i mean you can do it if you want to, but its not like a must,  and i am saying that because sometimes people tend to mess up in  this one and then they start to copy. Finding an icon i think is a really good idea if you dont know how to even start, most of the time people pick a celebrity but an icon can be your mum or a friend, just someone that can inspired you a lot.
I recomend if you are picking for a celebrity ( its easier) these tips:
* same body type;so you can related and know how certein clothes would look on you.
*relateble style.
* a good influence for you: not for the world but for you.
(Blogger,model, celebrity)
This is a picky one, and there is alot to say but i will resume as much as i can. when it comes to trends you can try it out as much as you want to but do not think that because there is some trend going on you would dress in it head to toes. And why not? because trend are just that, things that comes and go , not necesarely an staple ( you can make them an staple, but i will talk about it in another post) What i am trying to say is: enjoy trends if YOU like them, and get the items wisely so you can still use them when the trend is gone.

At the end fashion and style is about having fun! there are some rules yes, but you can definitely break those rules, because style is a individual art so you can talk to the general people through it.

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